Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bolivia Reflections (post 3): Plans to Prosper

For those of you that have been following this blog, do you remember when I mentioned the Pastor who prayed so intently and deeply for the wife of one of our team members? He told us "we can never repay you monetarily for what you've done but we can pray to our Father who hears and answers all our prayers." Well, the pastor at this site and the one that we met at the other site, both have given their lives to serve the poor. Talk about a calling. Talk about obedience when it would be much easier to pursue other opportunities that would be economically viable for their families. I am sure that there were and are many points that they come to the end of their rope and somehow God gives them a little bit more. 

While we were at #804, the pastor showed us his plans for expanding the church structure. In the midst of poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse, physical & sexual abuse, and abandonment there lies a vision of hope for God's people in the poorest zones of Cochabamba. They drew their plans and cast them before their Heavenly Father. In spite of their reality, they believe that God will help them build the rest of the church so that they can reach more of His children. And you know, I have no doubt that God will show up for them. The question is for me - and perhaps for you - is that do we have faith that God will show up for us? 

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